Craniosacral Therapy Self Help Course
This is a simple introduction to the beautiful world of craniosacral therapy, empowering you with gentle touch skills that can enhance your own wellbeing, those of friends and family, or offer a beautiful addition to a modality you already work in. This course is open to everyone who has an interest in adding some basic craniosacral therapy skills to their first aid kit. It will not qualify you as a craniosacral therapist or replace craniosacral therapy sessions in your life, but it will give you a comprehensive insight into the modality, helping you to decide if you would like to pursue the full qualification. The course is run twice a year or on request if the group is big enough. For all enquiries contact Halcyon Days Craniosacral Therapy.
Where: Halcyon Days Barn, The Nook, Currumbin Valley.
Cost: $60/week - $240 in total, you can pay weekly
Minimum of 4 people for course to run, no more than 8 in the group.
P: 0423 923 747