


Nothing could have prepared me for what to expect from my first session of cranio-sacral therapy.  From the first session it was dramatically revealing but I did not at that stage realise how much of a difference it would make to my life in time to come.  I did not know what challenges I was to have to face in the coming years.  I did not start it as a response to a crisis or sense of danger.  I just knew I could benefit from some peace to help me to settle my inner world.  Well it felt like an inverse explosion.  Not an implosion though.  But almost instantly, there was space within.  Heaps of it.  I could see it and it was still.  Within that space there was a quiet that I had never heard before.  I couldn’t believe it.  I certainly wasn’t expecting to come across it.  I liked it a lot and it hung around.  I could listen to it and feel it for days.  This is what I wrote about it at the time.  I just dotted it down in a notebook a few hours after my first session as I sat in the patio.

It is a healing treatment, a draining of psychological junk out of my mind, creating a peaceful state of calmness and some clarity.  It has freed space, cognitive space, to enable me to connect to more meaningful and spiritual focuses.  It has created an awareness of peacefulness, including that this is the absence of negative, critical, aggressive thoughts – it is essentially non-violence.  It has highlighted the need to go gently in thoughts and actions and further motivated me to care for self.

It has brought me an awareness of the need to leave out junky or silly and negative comments within my close relationships with others.  This allows more space for quality peaceful interactions.  Make less noise and connect better.  Be more present.  It has brought me an awareness that my being unable to rest and relax is real and that rushing and doing things frantically is likely about avoiding a difficulty with calmness.  I have felt like my overloaded mind has had no space for stopping, until now. 

I can appreciate what is here now and how precious this is.  I can acknowledge when peacefulness is present.  I need to take the time to interact and connect by slowing the pace within and externally.  I need to be kind to others and to myself with gentleness.  I need to take the time to reflect, contemplate, appreciate and be aware of what is present.  

So, I went back.  Over the following months during 2017 I was able to go to more cranio sessions after work.  Eventually it was even quite regular, each month or fortnight.  Gradually it started to become familiar and I knew what to anticipate.  I was becoming more in-tuned with what was happening within my body and felt the closer link between my mind and body.  It was so subtle, yet so deep.  I looked forward to taking my mind and body back to the table every few weeks to re-set myself.  It really was a special occasion each time.  

Eventually, I was also able to utilise the treatment process better and better in between sessions.  I could mentally and physically bring awareness to some of the body’s spots that were ‘manipulated’ during the treatment sessions.  This meant I could trigger some of the energy flow that occurs during the sessions by myself.  What a treat.  Cranio-sacral therapy on tap.  In this way I could keep the inner pathways open for longer, keeping them fresh, until being able to have another quality treatment session that would re-open the flow paths and remind me of how deep stillness can be.  

Cranio-sacral therapy slowed me down and let things flow through my inner world with much more ease and smoothness.  I felt calmer more often.  I became more aware of what was going on for others around me in my life.  I could connect with people better.  I was healing in multiple ways, but mostly within my inner world.  I felt a more consistent peacefulness within myself, with more love and compassion for myself.  This is healing.  I could also meditate.  I had known about the principles and benefits of mindfulness previously, although I had not really made time to give it a good go.  This became another new and special part of my life that worked hand in hand with cranio as I ambled my way through a more peaceful life.


Thank you for the gift workshop, it was an amazing experience.  For someone who has struggled so much with meditation for so long, it truly was a gift to find myself meditating and visualising with such ease.  There was definitely some deep, unexplainable cosmic connection going on, one that I could not question. Thank you Sarah for your loving explanations of everything we were doing, you made the "woo woo" really comfortable and full of ease.

I was blessed to have attended the workshop with my husband, and to see him opening up and embracing everything that was going on around him brought us even closer together and gave us a deeper understanding of each other and the direction we want to move in, and that is truly awesome.  And the lunch!  Oh my goodness, it was so hard not to just sit and keep eating and eating, it was the icing on the cake of a wonderful day. So once again, thank you so much, it was brilliant!


If nothing else, this workshop was a day spent relaxing, healing, meditating, and eating beautiful food with great company but, of course, the day was so much more than that. It was a day where each and every person connected with the divine and miracles occurred. Those who are familiar with Sarah's talents will already know what I mean by that, but for those who aren't—all I can say is that Sarah opens the door to your soul and magic really does happen. And then there's Coby, who is a talented and gifted healer in her own right. When you put her and Sarah together, you have a day filled with beauty, wonder, magic, and love—it really is not to be missed.

I have now been a client of Sarah's for two years and I long ago received the power of 'the gift', where I am now able to heal myself and others. So why did I do this workshop? Simply because I wanted to go deeper and further into my soul than ever before, and this day certainly took me where I wanted to go—and beyond. It really does have to be experienced to be believed, so all I can say is that if you are feeling pulled towards this workshop, then trust that feeling and take the leap—your soul will thank you for it. But be prepared for miracles!


I have been seeing Sarah for her incredibly beautiful healings for two years now. She has the graceful balance of a grounded spiritual soul who’s exceptional healings help guide me back to the truth of who I am and why I am here. Sarah is here on this earth, part of all of us, to help us remember how to live in the grace and flow of our journey back to the light, fearlessly, with unconditional love and joy.


I used to be the kind of person who was always searching for inner peace, but I just didn't know where to find it. I had seen energy healers, natural therapists, and even psychics, but it wasn't until I saw Sarah that I finally found what I'd been searching for.

If I had heard what Sarah was doing without actually experiencing it first, I would never have believed it. What she does is utterly and totally unique and magical. Sarah opens the door to your soul, taking you on a healing journey that will change your life forever.

Yes, it's true, Sarah really does channel an angel—Archangel Gabriel, in fact. How do I know for sure? Because I had almost weekly sessions with Sarah for six months, until one day I came face-to-face with my own angel and I've never looked back. Now I take these amazing journeys myself and I'm no longer searching for anything. I know the truth of who I am and I now have the ability to not only heal myself, but heal others as well. That would never have happened without Sarah's help. She really is the most gifted healer I've ever met.        

Thank you, Sarah. You really did change my life.


I have been having healing sessions with Sarah regularly for the last 12 months, and have also been attending her meditation circles and I honestly could not recommend them highly enough, they have been so beneficial.

When I first started I didn't really know what I was getting myself into, or what to expect, but the results are that I am so incredibly happy.  Not only that, but my ability to cope emotionally is above and beyond what I could have imagined.  Funny thing is that was not my intention when going to Sarah in the first place, but it is an amazing added benefit.

The beauty is that I am still me, I still feel and respond as me, it is just that I feel the highs so completely now, see the beauty in life so clearly, am totally joy-ful and recover from the lows so quickly, its incredible.  It is as if Sarah's healings are helping me become the best Me I can be, and that is a truly amazing thing.  Thank you so much Sarah for sharing your amazing and truly unique talent with me, I am so grateful for all that you have done so far and look forward to growing into my magnificence with your amazing guidance.


I just want to thank you for your work with me so far. I’m experiencing access to my sense of alignment that I’ve been dreaming of for a very long time. Thankyou so much.


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