Meditation and healing circles

Full moon meditation circles

Every month on the week of the full moon, on a Wednesday night, Halcyon Days holds a meditation circle. Like minded  people gather together to focus on the theme of the month. There is a discussion before the circle starts, then a guided story to help us sink into mediation. Then, for those who wish to share, the opportunity to reflect. The full moon circles offer a fabulous way to meet other people who are on a similar journey to you, and at the same time deepen your spiritual practice.

Meditation classes

Every Monday between 9-10am I run a free meditation class at the Currumbin Valley community church. We spend time breathing and then, when our bodies have become relaxed and comfortable, we sit and explore the never ending world of stillness and silence. These classes are open to beginners all the way through to the most advanced. No matter how long or how little you have meditated you will always benefit from meditating in a group

What to bring: cushion for sitting on, bottle of water and blanket in colder months.

Cost: Free

Upcoming dates: Suspended at the moment due to COVID

Time: 9-10am

Healing circles

Healing circles are a powerful way of looking at a particular issue in your life, opening it up and then releasing it, creating space for a new, more positive aspects to move into your world. The start of the circle often takes the form of discussion, perhaps writing or some form of art. Then, when we have found what it is you are looking to bring into your world - often encapsulated in one word - there is a meditation induced by a guided story and sounding. The meditation allows a vision to unfold which will often contain symbolic messages and help to open and shift energy.

These healing circles are similar to the full moon circles except they are catered to your particular needs. They can be individual or a group.

Cost: Individual $120. A group of three or more $50/person.

By arrangement only


P: 0423 923 747